P4P Has Evolved Into a Genuine Ukrainian Village-Based NGO
Greetings! I’m Jay… James Jay Ellis – P4P Founder. My background includes work as a Filmmaker, Marketing Consultant, Home Builder and Residential Community Developer. I’ve won awards in all these fields. I love sailing, woodworking and cooking. I’ve also come to love Ukraine very much. Slava Ukraini!
My impulse to help Ukraine was born when I saw the demonstrations for Dignity in Maidan Independence Square in 2014. I was struck by Ukrainians’ dedication to democracy, independence and freedom, coupled with extreme bravery. Ukraine appeared to be remarkably united in their determination to be sovereign and free.
The 2022 Russian invasion cemented my determination to act. Now I was fully committed to do all I could to serve Ukraine in some meaningful way. I planned and finally came to Ukraine in late 2023 to do groundwork. I saw the destroyed homes and spoke with many Ukrainians. I recorded members of three families to create content for a website called Our Village Voices. Its purpose is to create more support for Ukraine worldwide. This is my dream.
I will return to Ukraine this spring to record more Villager Stories
Imagine a time when our new Village-Based approach establishes better relationships between Villagers and municipalities, so rebuilding homes is more streamlined. Imagine Village Co-ops where Villagers can share building materials and other resources to help one another rebuild. Imagine more and more solar powered homes. Imagine community-scaled energy storage facilities that are small but powerful, serving multiple houses, ensuring reliable energy during power outages and even in times of warfare.
Imagine a time when our children can run and play on clean streets in a safe Village, and sleep at night with without fears of power outages. Imagine the pride parents will feel, knowing they helped the transition to renewable energy… keeping resources in Ukraine and other countries, instead of continuing to use fossil fuels, and sending more money to Russia to kill us and destroy our homes, hospitals and schools. Russia wants to steal our children’s future. But we are Ukrainian. We are united. Russia will not steal our future! Slava Ukraini!!