Your Guide to Register for Services
Here’s information to help you find the services to get you back on your feet!
Please feel free to write your information in your resume, or list it in an email, or any combination of the two. It will help us if you can organize what you write into specific sections. The following are suggested:
- Food – Please tell us the size of your family, any special dietary needs or restrictions and any favorites.
- Clothing – Please tell us the sizes for each of your family members, with specific clothing articles needed.
- Child Care – What are the ages and special needs of each child? What days and hours are needed for your work?
- Medical & Health – Specify individual health conditions for each family member, along with current prescriptions. Specify allergies or other essential restrictions.
- Temporary Housing – We will do our best to locate and arrange for your housing needs. Please see the Housing Section below for more details.
- Jobs – Please see the Jobs Section below for more details.
- Personal Security – Your personal safety is a top priority. Please let us know if you have any specific concerns.
- Travel – Please let us know if you intend to go to another Host Country or City. Transportation for work, appointments, chores are real needs. Let us know.
Thanks for trusting us!!